a fun novel on quantum uncertainty

I definitely need to read this, Schroedinger’s Ball, by Adam Felder. Reviewed by Richard Eder.
“As for a message, I suppose it would be, “Uncertainty transfigures.” To be taken no more seriously, and perhaps no less, than the “love will find a way” of a Strauss or a Franz Lehar. Which is also Mr. Felber’s message, come to think … Read more...

douglas coupland

I bought a book of his the other day, haven’t got to it yet: All Families are Psychotic. It might be more uplifting than John Berger (last/next post).
and here’s this link to his film notes on the upcoming, Everything Gone Green.
He was also profiled for “JPod” in the Time Out magazine I picked up for July’s events in … Read more...

arab history through fiction

Yasser sends this New Left Review article about his father, Abd al-Rahman Munif, explaining “It’s almost an accurate account of Munif’s work and political views.” This leaves one to wonder where it is off! But for a generally naive american like myself, it looks like quite an impressive corpus demonstrating a good deal of personal courage.
Mr. Munif died …