Transcript links for the Parable of the Sower podcast by Adrienne Maree Brown & Toshi Reagon

I started collecting the transcript links for the first season of the O’Parables podcast in one place for those who need or want to read them.

If you’re unfamiliar with Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler (1993), it’s a fictional account of surviving societal breakdown which has uncanny relevance to today. The story spans a journey of three … Read more...

My First Risky Nonviolent Action

Going to Boston to counterprotest white supremacy following the violence in Charlottesville did not turn out to be dangerous, but there was no way to know this in advance.

Walking the Talk or keeping my plans?

When I first learned of the antiracist rally in Boston, it did not cross my mind that I should go. I was already booked … Read more...

“I want to know, what is human conscience.”

“I want to know, what is human conscience.”

“Human consciousness?” I asked, not hearing him correctly.

“No,” he said. “Con-sci-ence. When I search for this word in the English dictionary, I find that it is from Latin. Con means ‘with’ and science means ‘knowing.’ So conscience means ‘with knowing.’ With science.”

“I’ve never quite thought about it that way,” I … Read more...

Resources on Whiteness

These articles informed a recent talk on the topic of whiteness for sign language interpreters.

A continuum of character development from white fragility through white fog toward appropriate whiteness.

“White people [must move] from an individual understanding of racism—i.e. only some people are racist and those people are bad—to a structural understanding [of white privilege].”

~ Dr Robin DiAngelo ~


Social Polyculture at PV2

What are working relationships?

Learning, the Permaculture Way was a pre-conference workshop by David Eggleton and me at the 2nd Permaculture Voices conference (PV2) in San Diego. Our session drew about 50 participants, some of whom continued a dialogue that seemed—on the surface—to have a narrow focus but, over the five days of PV2, grew wider, broader and was deepened … Read more...

Learning, the Permaculture Way

permacultureVOICES2015-01-24 at 8.24.56 PM

This workshop at the 2nd Permaculture Voices conference in San Diego will help you plan how to maximize your PV2 conference experience by applying a tool for lifelong learning. Learning throughout your life involves steady investments of attention, time and energy. In this session, you will acquire and work with a set of considerations that set guideposts for navigating intentional … Read more...

The Message of Interstellar, Birdman, and Dear White People

The declining ability to grow food foretells the end of humanity in Interstellar much as it does in actual climate science. Food doesn't enter Birdman, and is only racialized in Dear White People. Now, stretch with me, will you?
The declining ability to grow food foretells the end of humanity in Interstellar much as it does in actual climate science. Food doesn't enter Birdman, and is only racialized in Dear White People. Now, stretch with me, will you?

The Resource and Reallocation Crisis

One way to understand the scope of the planetary crisis is how authors of speculative/science fiction deal with the problem of avoiding self-inflicted human extinction.  Alastair Reynolds composed a page of (fictional) historical reflection in Blue Remembered Earth (2012).



Geoffrey (the primary protagonist) is returning to his home in Africa from a space flight to the Moon. Unbeknownst … Read more...

Guide to Earning #KRKTR Points

#KRKTR is an open game for everyone interested in developing individual character and social resilience.

Points are earned for promoting and continuing communication, especially across different topics and among different groups. The idea is that both character and resilience are built at the intersections.


This ReTweet is worth 700 points: 100 (tweet itself) + 100 (it's a RT) + 500 (First Response).
This ReTweet is worth 700 points: 100 (tweet itself) + 100 (it’s a RT) +