Martha provided these resources on Information and Communication Technologies for her course on Social Inequality, Technology, and Public Policy.
Tag: research sources
2008 European Year of Intercultural Dialogue
EUROPA – Education and Training on Multiculturalism, offers a report of a Group of Intellectuals for Intercultural Dialogue.
… Read more...In a Europe which will always be multilingual, learning languages opens doors. For individuals, it can open the door to a better career, to the chance to live, study or work abroad, even to more enjoyable holidays. For companies, multilingual staff
weird twist of synchrony
I’m receiving quite an education about Farc while learning more about myself as a participant in discourses. Two of Alf and Ana’s friends have commented on my susceptibility to rhetoric. I need to be firm in my response although I very much hope we can continue to dialogue, even if dialogue with Farc is an impossibility.
First, Juan and Javier, …
Trouble (with interpreters) in Transylvania
… Read more...“Senor Martinez fell into my Spanish as passionately as into a beloved’s arms. Not that he’d previously been parsimonious (according to Jack) with his ungrammatical English, but his Spanish was a force of nature that now gushed out of his mouth like water from a blocked pipe.
‘And you’re
“the rift of difference”
…the difference, according to Heidegger, is pain.
… Read more...“Diviners,” writes Dennis Tedlock, “Stay close to ‘the rift of difference,’ as Heidegger calls it, even a small difference. They leave us between two points, or at both of them, and sometimes three.” (1983:254)
Ode to a United States of Europe?
An ambivalent anthem and a quasi-clone?
Zizek’s critique of ‘Ode to Joy’ as the European Union’s choice of anthem is on the mark.
The exchange in the comments between dmclaney and elver about the signing of the Lisbon Treaty, United States of Europe finally created, are a mirror (with a different cultural text) to some of the media critiques … Read more...
Hymes and Tedlock
Dell Hymes writes (2003):
“It might be a fair summary to say that Dennis is concerned most of all with the moment of performance, and I am much concerned with the competence that informs it. Dennis trusts most of all the speaking voice, I evidence of recurrent pattern.” p. 36
Hymes places the above discrete distinction in opposition … Read more...
“the ordinary version of ‘the dialectic'” is a formation
I will have to engage Briankle again. He was so intense about my stance in favor of “dialogue” against “dialectic” during my comps defense. At the time I had no one to back up my perception of the ways I had heard/read the term “dialectic” in use. Now I discover that none other than Raymond Williams articulates my point:… Read more...
Loss: Daphne Berdahl 1964-2007
U professor watched as Germany reunified
When I read her book on Kella, Germany – “Where the World Ended” – a few years ago, I was inspired by Daphne Berdahl’s ethnography of borderlands. She had a tangible, physical boundary but focused on people’s orientations to the border as well as their adaptations when the border changed. Her notions apply to … Read more...
researching the edges
I have always felt that the action most worth watching is not at the center of things but where edges meet.
Anne Fadiman. The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down.
1997. (Preface, p. viii.)
The Review linked above does criticize Fadiman for overromanticizing some aspects of Hmong culture, history, and customs; what reviewer Mai Na M. Lee calls … Read more...