imposter syndrome 2

Finally found the specific reference I wanted:
Tokarczyk, Michelle and Fay, Elizabeth (1993) Working-class women in the academy: Laborers in the knowledge factory.
Here’s a review that contrasts the above with The Madwoman in the Academy: 43 Women Boldly Take On The Ivory Tower.
Hardee Center for Women in Higher Education looks like a find too.… Read more...

imposter syndrome

Issues of socioeconomic class came up during the rhetoric class’s debriefing of the PM. Here are is one source (might be good for Lisa’s seminar on class cultures next fall, too).
Impostors in the Sacred Grove: Working Class Women in the Academe
Apparently some psychologists tested it, Clance and ____, but I can’t find their study, only folks talking about … Read more...

don’t forget!

There have been a number of problematic moments in COM250: the very first day, when I asked students if they were sure they understood what each other meant (during the icebreaker “cocktail hour” activity); in The Super Death Machine when Peter asked Jen if she knew what the Chinese characters on her sneakers meant, in The Tangents when Allison asked … Read more...

Missing the Elephant

This article, Point: Observations Regarding a Missing Elephant,
by Donald N. Michael, summarizes six “ignorance-maintaining conditions” and eight suggested strategies for addressing the seeming immensity of “ignorance” in our age.
Ignorance-maintaining conditions (according to Michael):
1. too much AND too little information
2. no shared set of value priorities
3. the dilemma of context
4. the linearity of language…

Plunging! The last two days

The last two days I’ve received a number of compliments about my appearance. Once in a great while someone says something about my eyes, but I can’t recall a flurry like this. What’s up? [the FP] said maybe I’m more at peace with myself? Ha! I’ve felt intensely sad the past week, convinced I’ll never feel loved enough, that … Read more...