Introduction to Communication Theory for Simultaneous Interpreters

iCORE innovative & creative opportunities for research and education Conference of Interpreter Trainers Annual Conference, Pre-Conference Workshop 17 October 2012 Simultaneous interpretation is co-constructed activity with consequences for human society in the dimensions of culture (time) and equality (control). This workshop explores the possibilities and limits of paradigm shift from information-based to relationship-centered professional practices … Continue reading “Introduction to Communication Theory for Simultaneous Interpreters”

Introduction to Inter-Role Dialogue

Many interpreters are familiar with the idea of intercultural or intergroup communication, which takes the identity of participants as important to meaning. . This workshop extends the idea of “identity” to the different roles individuals have in any communication situation. We’ll explore the case of emergency management interpreting, where First Responders have very clear priorities that may not coincide with what Deaf and hard-of-hearing people believe they need. Likewise, Deaf and hard-of-hearing people have express communication needs that may not coincide with what First Responders believe they can accommodate.

Many interpreters are familiar with the idea of intercultural or intergroup communication, which takes the identity of participants as important to meaning. . This workshop extends the idea of “identity” to the different roles individuals have in any communication situation. We’ll explore the case of emergency management interpreting, where First Responders have very clear priorities that may not coincide with what Deaf and hard-of-hearing people believe they need. Likewise, Deaf and hard-of-hearing people have express communication needs that may not coincide with what First Responders believe they can accommodate.

A Deaf CERT to Serve DC

In two weeks, a training for Deaf individuals to create or join a Community Emergency Response Team will occur at Gallaudet University in the District of Colombia. There are still some slots available for deaf and hard-of-hearing people associated with Gallaudet or in the larger DC Deaf community. Sign-up now through the Preparedness for All webblog: Gallaudet Hosts CERT training.

In two weeks, a training for Deaf individuals to create or join a Community Emergency Response Team will occur at Gallaudet University in the District of Colombia. There are still some slots available for deaf and hard-of-hearing people associated with Gallaudet or in the larger DC Deaf community. Sign-up now through the Preparedness for All webblog: Gallaudet Hosts CERT training.

The Real Value of Interpreting

Below is the script for the lightning talk (watch the video with captions) that I gave on June 15, 2013 at Interpret America’s 4th Annual Summit. The script was first published by the International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC) on their weblog and then in the Conference of Interpreter Trainers (CIT) newsletter. The slides continue … Continue reading “The Real Value of Interpreting”

Dialogue in DUO: Future Change Through Language and Interaction

Dialogue Under Occupation VI Beirut, Lebanon May 2012 Blogentries (Dynamic Diagnosis): stumbling into spirit Presupposing Salmon: Ready DUO Players? Fantasia A Temporal Turn? Proposal (Prelude): Dialogue at the Dialogue Under Occupation conferences is contested territory. Participants in this workshop will analyze the language use and social interaction among a roundtable of participants from a previous … Continue reading “Dialogue in DUO: Future Change Through Language and Interaction”

Social Justice in Education Initiative: Let’s dream of an approach to social justice that enables students and teachers to bring their multiple selves to learning

with Evangelina Holvino and James Cumming of Chaos Management, LTD Expanding Conversations about Social Justice in Education: Exploring Possibilities and Tensions 2nd Forum of the Social Justice in Education Initiative University of Massachusetts Amherst April 20, 2012 Our poster presents a summary of our thinking applying the concept of simultaneity to help students and teachers … Continue reading “Social Justice in Education Initiative: Let’s dream of an approach to social justice that enables students and teachers to bring their multiple selves to learning”

CIBER Business Language Conference

CIBER Business Language Conference: Building Bridges from Business Languages to Business Communities UNC Center for International Business Education & Research and UNC-Chapel Hill March 21-23, 2012 “ESL and Innovation” (Business Language Research and Teaching 2011 Award Presentation) Feedback from the conference evaluations: Dear Ms. Kent, As you may know, the post-conference evaluation survey for the … Continue reading “CIBER Business Language Conference”

The European Public Sphere: From critical thinking to responsible action

The European Public Sphere: From critical thinking to responsible action Committee of the Regions Brussels. February 2012. Beyond Homolingualism: A Participatory Model of Simultaneous Interpretation. The strategy to communicate Europe is guided by an emphasis on information and technology that neglects social interaction. Discourse among the EU institutions in official documents about Plan-D, the White … Continue reading “The European Public Sphere: From critical thinking to responsible action”

2011 Summer Workshop on Integrated Weather Studies

2011 Summer Workshop on Integrated Weather Studies Societal Impacts Program, National Center on Atmospheric Research Boulder CO, August 4-12, 2011 The Societal Impacts Program (SIP) of the National Center for Atmospheric Research hosts this professional practice workshop on “changing from what WAS to what IS the future of integrated weather studies.” WAS*IS aims to better … Continue reading “2011 Summer Workshop on Integrated Weather Studies”