Tornadoes and the Deaf Community in Western Massachusetts

This survey generated some interesting data which might be useful in generating hypotheses for future testing and eventually guiding design for better warning systems, improved emergency preparation, and the smooth integration of emergency response service delivery to people with so-called "functional needs" or otherwise requiring "additional assistance" - particularly the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing.
This survey generated some interesting data which might be useful in generating hypotheses for future testing and eventually guiding design for better warning systems, improved emergency preparation, and the smooth integration of emergency response service delivery to people with so-called "functional needs" or otherwise requiring "additional assistance" - particularly the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing.

The kindness of interpreters

Region 1 Conference
Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf
Albany NY

Rene Pellerin froze in motion when the interpreter placed her hand on his back. While telling his story, he had been rotating gradually toward his right, giving the camera his profile and making it difficult for those in the audience to his left to read his signing clearly. Rene … Read more...