The blizzard comes! Our usual

The blizzard comes! Our usual pre-storm flurry &emdash; water, flashlights, wood. It’s a way of life in Vermont, but I feel for the folks further south who aren’t accustomed to winter precautions and inconveniences. I anticipate we may lose power this time, as the cold has been so intense for so long the trees will not have much flex in … Read more...

Some interesting things shared by

Some interesting things shared by some of my students: an 8th Grade Final Exam from 1892 and a recent article on Bush’s use of religious language. Also, a speech given to the US Senate by Robert Byrd, which I found via a link at Wil Wheaton’s blog. Wil (aka Wesley from Star Trek’s Next Generation. Star Trek lives!) … Read more...

We’re into the second week

We’re into the second week of courses now. The division of labor between me and [the FP] in the online education class points not only to our areas of expertise, but to essential personality differences. She’s done a huge amount of work on the relationship end (responding in depth to student introductions), and I’ve done the more structural stuff (trying … Read more...

Teaching Foundations of Education with

Teaching Foundations of Education with [the FP] this semester gives me the opportunity to review and critique my own philosophy and style of teaching. I’ve been quite influenced by group relations theory and its emphasis upon authority relations: this has led me to pay particular attention to structure and boundaries, and to think about the roles and task(s) inherent in … Read more...

A Different Role: Sign Language Interpreters and the Practical Management of Communication