The Plurilingual Advantage: Making the Business Case for Simultaneous Interpretation

Language has become a serious issue for multinational corporations and healthcare operations in the United States.

Research in this sub-field of international management has blossomed in the past decade, generating powerful data pointing to the need for interpreters within the daily operations of medical facilities and in international business. However, there is a strong bias toward language standardization so as … Read more...

Interpretation and Translation

Kent, Stephanie Jo and Kappen, Jeffrey A. “Interpreting and Translation.”  In The International Encyclopedia of Organizational Communication. Craig R. Scott and Laurie Lewis (General Editors), Jim Barker, Joann Keyton, Tim Kuhn, and Paaige Turner (Associate Editors).  © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2017 by John Wiley & Sons Inc.

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Awakening Interpretation: Broadway Sets the Stage for Linguistic Equality

Kent, Stephanie Jo. Awakening Interpretation: Broadway Sets the Stage for Linguistic Equality. Street Leverage, June 2016. Reprinted in Auslan Stage Left, June 2016.

Stephanie Jo Kent explores how Deaf West Theatre’s ground-breaking production of Spring Awakening cast a spotlight on the challenges and possibilities of sign language interpretation.Read more...

Sign Language Interpreting’s Long Adolescence

Kent, Stephanie Jo. Sign Language Interpreting’s Long Adolescence. Street Leverage, December 2015.

The field of sign language interpreting has the opportunity to leave organizational adolescence behind. By connecting their emotions to the challenging tasks ahead, interpreters can foster growth and move the field to the next level.Read more...

Immediacy, Heteroglossia and Calibration


Almost a month ago I received an email inviting me to join a Google+ group. I was happy to do so, thinking it was a personal invitation rather than one generated by an essentially anonymous algorithm.

John Kellden invited me on July 14, 2015.
John Kellden invited me on July 14, 2015

Arriving to the group (I went to check it out right away), the post that … Read more...

Organizing Language Use: Practices of Plurilingualism

“…sheds light on a very interesting issue in IB, and is overall very convincing” (Reviewer comment).

“Undoubtedly, language use is a fascinating idea, both in terms of its real-life impact and as a field for research. I believe that this paper raises an important issue and can contribute to the IB literature” (Reviewer comment).


This draft of a paper …


My dissertation is available through Scholarworks at the University of Massachusetts.



“Language is the medium and progenitor of discourse.”

~ Evangelina Holvino ~


This dissertation began twenty-five years ago, long before I entered graduate school, with the Deaf and Hearing members of the Bilingual-Bicultural Committee at the Indiana School for the Deaf.  By living what it means … Read more...

Turn-Taking & Repair: Problems of Flow in Intercultural Communication

This workshop, featuring Dr Eileen Forestal, Dr Stephanie Jo Kent, and Cynthia Napier, M.Ed., will be presented at the Conference of Interpreter Trainers in Portland, Oregon.


What would interpreting be like if we embraced and valued interruptions rather than judging them as negative disruptions to flow? Conversation analysis yields specific insights about the dynamics of turn-taking (when the same … Read more...

Growing Pains: Emergency Management Interpreting

One of the legacies of persistent discrimination is pent-up emotion. Lack of services and humane consideration adds up and seeks outlets. Get a group of sign language interpreters and Deaf people together to work on solutions to bad or absent communication and inevitably a flood of frustration will arise. … Read more...

Emergency Management Interpreter Training in Massachusetts

Use google to search for #demx and use Twitter to participate in spreading information about the professionalization of a new subfield in emergency management interpreting.

Introduction to the Incident Command System and Interpreter Strike Teams

FireTracker2 RT Pope quote

Discussion during this introductory module demonstrated the importance of interpreters taking four of the FEMA courses offered free online before attending ASL Interpreter Strike Team … Read more...