when cows fly

The indoor/outdoor Fine Arts Center exhibits were a charming surprise, fitting right in to the swirl of family routines, whirlwind tour of family haunts, recitations of familiar and revised family stories, cheerleading for the kids, and somber offerings of solace to Aunt Georgia by all our various and sundry means, each according to personality. Lately I have been thinking about loyalty, especially the definition provided by Rudolph Steiner. "I am thinking of the other's ageless image, after all, I saw it once. No deception, no mere seeming will rob me of it." I am grateful to partake in the loyalties of family.
The indoor/outdoor Fine Arts Center exhibits were a charming surprise, fitting right in to the swirl of family routines, whirlwind tour of family haunts, recitations of familiar and revised family stories, cheerleading for the kids, and somber offerings of solace to Aunt Georgia by all our various and sundry means, each according to personality. Lately I have been thinking about loyalty, especially the definition provided by Rudolph Steiner. "I am thinking of the other's ageless image, after all, I saw it once. No deception, no mere seeming will rob me of it." I am grateful to partake in the loyalties of family.


somewhere between Albuquerque and Amherst

“I keep telling myself that no one can keep my mind from going fuzzy except me.”
~ Elaine J. Kent
20 July 2009

While hanging out with mom last week, I finally asked her about blogging. Did she remember the writings about Uncle Sam? I’ve been weighing whether or not to do this since very … Read more...

the last days…

Wilrijk & Middelheim
photos from Brabant,
the European Parliament, and

arbor in Stillewater.jpg


We saw a strange movie the other night. I was wildly amused: although bored at times and put off by some of the surrealism, I recognized much that is familiar in Synecdoche, NY. By “familiar,” I do not mean flattering, but I have to admit that I … Read more...

Afterword: dead reckoning

“A telling is not an explanation.”
Ursula Le Guin

One of my post-sailing-adventure musings is, what if I had read Longitude shipboard instead of The Telling? 🙂
There’s no way to know, of course, what would have changed or whether those changes might have mattered, in the end. Captain explained how sailors use the variety of sounds from gongs … Read more...

Forty-five going on…..45?!?

so ready!.jpg

First encounter this morning:

I was looking for you, then you turned around and I realized, “You cut your hair! I’ll never be able to find you again!”

I’m peaceful. No regrets! (Ok, a twinge, I admit, at the fact: now I blend in, I have “conformed” — as an honest man described the look.)

Hey! Today is a FULL

Scissors and the Midpoint

Time to let the past go.
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It has been forty-five years, after all. 🙂 Given the average lifespan in my genealogy and contemporary conditions, I figure ninety years is a reasonable guestimate. Provides a frame for planning, anyway! I steal a sentiment from a Hallmark card: “I surrender my youth gladly; I have outgrown it.”

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Language as Motion

I wrote this piece, Language as Motion, as an example of the “Self-in-Contradiction” essay that is one of the options for the “personal/identity narrative” assigned to students in the introductory level writing course I’m currently teaching. There are a couple of friends who will recognize themselves in this piece (thank you), and I have to give some … Read more...

Careful what you ask for!

I asked my students today about the relationship(s) among appearance, identity, and authority – specifically mine. It’s part of the ongoing pedagogy project I’ve been working on with Leda about the visibility/invisibility of our actual bodies in the classroom. By the end of the discussion several students were telling me how I should have taught (!) the class all along: … Read more...

more on facebook

Interesting blogpost by Danah Boyd about Facebook as a public sphere where young people can “negotiate their peers and learn about the social world.” The speeches in Public Speaking about Facebook emphasized its fun and useful qualities (although I have to seriously wonder if anyone really uses it to get notes from a missed class!) but also the risks of … Read more...