The Department of Conservation and Recreation for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is once again planning several cutting projects. Although the process allows for “public comment,” this is just going-through-the-motions. Based on past history, DCR has no intention of allowing public or scientific feedback to influence their plan. Take, for instance, the Wendell State Forest, where DCR allowed a private … Read more...
Author: Steph
Open Letter on Proforestation, to the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs
To: Secretary Kathleen A. Theoharides, Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs; Claire Miziolek, Decarbonization Roadmap Manager; Hong-Hanh Chu, GWSA Program Manager; Benjamin Miller, Decarbonization Roadmap Technical Lead; and staff of the relevant agencies
CC: Representative Susannah Whipps; Representative William Pignatelli; Representative Denise Provost; Senator Ann Gobi; Senator Karen Spilka; Senator Jo Comerford; Representative Mindy Domb; Jim Montgomery, Department … Read more...
Whiteness and White Fragility: Can We Be Real?
We’re fresh off the first of a two-part training on Responsible Whiteness.
The goal of “Responsible Whiteness” is to enlarge your perspective on whatever racial dynamics you’re involved in or worried about so that you can access and practice new ways of moving so that the same old problems … Read more...
Melissa Etheridge at Tanglewood (selected quotes)
We were three or four songs into Melissa’s set when I asked my girlfriend (of the unique 3-year generation born 1980-1982) how she learned about lesbian music. She explained “probably through Women’s Studies” during her undergrad years.
L: “Mab introduced me. She opened a portal.”
L: “And Elliot followed it …
RID Denies Members Opportunity to Vote on Motion
If you have an immediate negative reaction to the idea of unionizing sign language interpreters, then I would like to ask you—politely, please—to pause for a moment and recognize bias.
Most of us have no idea what it could mean to become a Union. In fact, I am still learning. I’m eager to find up to a dozen … Read more...
Seeds: The Gardener’s “Hour of Power”
It was the end of the day in the gloaming, afternoon fading into the earliest stage of evening. Steph was reluctant.
There was, however, no point in arguing against Soirée-Leone’s enthusiasm: learning how to garden for food was the whole, entire point!
Tromping out to the newly-cleared …
“Do What’s Right for All of Us”
Design “A” is a Success
I thought I’d have a minute to myself at the gate.
Instead this blur of color materialized into an ecstatically happy human being.
We waited for MasterHerdsman awhile past his ETA. I mean, I think Soirée-Leone was early, then I snuck up on her, then we waited. I’m not always patient, particularly when … Read more...