Organizing Language Use: Practices of Plurilingualism

“…sheds light on a very interesting issue in IB, and is overall very convincing” (Reviewer comment).

“Undoubtedly, language use is a fascinating idea, both in terms of its real-life impact and as a field for research. I believe that this paper raises an important issue and can contribute to the IB literature” (Reviewer comment).


This draft of a paper co-authored with Jeff Kappen, Assistant Professor of International Business at Drake University, was accepted as an interactive session for the Academy of International Business in Bangalore (India) this summer.

We draw on Jeff’s scholarship, my dissertation and a 2011 award-winning research project and talk for the Business Language Research and Teaching (BLRT) section of the U.S. Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) on Misunderstanding and Innovation: English as Lingua Franca.

BLRT Prezi 2015-04-24 at 10.55.57 AM

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