#KRKTR is an open game for everyone interested in developing individual character and social resilience.
Points are earned for promoting and continuing communication, especially across different topics and among different groups. The idea is that both character and resilience are built at the intersections.

- Every Tweet must include the hashtag #KRKTR
- Conference-based players should also include the conference hashtag, e.g., #NCORE2014
- All players, including non-conference players, may include other relevant hashtags
- Official play has distinct start and end times, announced by @KRKTR_HUB (all players are encouraged to follow @KRKTR_HUB but this is not a requirement).
- Unofficial play is continuous.
- This is a good faith game.
- Stimulating laughter is welcome; exercise good taste!
- Playing #KRKTR is an assertion of shine, all players are Bright Allies.

- 100 points per Tweet (remember it has to conform to the Rules above)
- Plus 200 points if your Tweet is a Reply to another’s Tweet (be sure to include the #KRKTR hashtag!)
- Plus 100 points if your Tweet is a ReTweet (don’t lose the #KRKTR hashtag!)
- Plus 500 points if your Tweet is the First Response (as determined by the timelines at twitter.com/KRKTR_HUB and twubs.com/KRKTR)
- Plus 250 points if your Tweet is the Second Response
- Plus 100 points if your Tweet is the Third Response or later; all additional responses earn +100 points
- The Last Response in each thread earns all the points accumulated in that thread: 500 + 250 + 100 x (nbr of additional Tweets) NOTE: The Last Response is determined by the end of official game play as announced by @KRKTR_HUB.

A thread is created whenever Replies and/or ReTweets are made to any original Tweet that includes the #KRKTR hashtag.
- Previous Tweets from the #KRKTR archive can be ReTweeted or Replied to in order to earn points during official game play.
- Threads can originate from any #KRKTR player.
- Threads originated by @KRKTR_HUB may become privileged. (Haven’t figured this part out yet.)
- Serious #KRKTR players are encouraged not to respond to “bad will” Tweets. Let them die alone and quickly.

Advanced play involves careful and strategic use of hashtags to make connections whenever an intersection appears.
Cultivation of a connection across two different discourses (as organized by the hashtag) requires repetition and persistence.
Rather than hashtagging every word, be focused and deliberate about the connection you’re trying to forge.
Prizes will be announced as sponsors come forth with them. (Negotiations are underway. Contact Steph with offers for this and future rounds of play.)