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June 20, 2004

silence and change

"If you want truly to understand something, try to change it." - Kurt Lewin

I had anticipated not being called and updated on developments and scheduling but the lack of communication still hurts. The excuse is too convenient. At the same time, perhaps my 'silence' means something too. :-(

The parrallelism between my family's dynamics, process, and discourse and my research interests are extremely obvious, aren't they?

Lewin's "research discovered that learning is best facilitated when there is a conflict between immediate concrete experience and detached analysis within the individual."

I've been remembering details like, "what if I don't want to deal?" I can note innumberable instances of difference between the immediate experience and its association to a larger abstract process. I was aware of many of them at the time they occurred. I even predicted their outcome, if uninterrupted.

Well, they've been interrupted now but (apparently) much too late to matter to a productive mutual co-construction and creation of change. In many regards I'm losing my optimism that things can work out. The accumulation of injury, whether deliberate or unintentional, is massive.

Posted by Steph at June 20, 2004 9:22 AM

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